Knowing what to do before you get to your tattoo shop will help make the entire process a lot more comfortable for you and your artist. Not only will your artist be impressed, but they will be able to focus on creating the perfect piece for you.
Prepare your skin.
Just moisturize with your normal moisturizer for a week beforehand if you have dry skin. Also, avoid getting a sunburn on the area you are getting tattooed. This means wearing sunscreen whenever you leave the house.
Hydrate yourself.
Before you go to get tattooed, make sure that you are well hydrated. Drink lots of water for the 24 hours before your tattoo and avoid dehydrating yourself.
Get a Full Night’s Sleep.
Do Go to bed early the night before and give yourself plenty of time to fall asleep, especially if being nervous about getting tattooed might keep you up a bit later than usual.
Avoid thinning your blood.
In order to limit your bleeding, you should avoid products that thin your blood for 24 hours before getting a tattoo. This means that you should avoid alcohol, drugs and a lot of caffeine before getting a tattoo.
Also, avoid taking aspirin for the 24 hours before a tattoo. Aspirin is a blood thinner, so being on aspirin will make your tattoo bleed more.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Depending on the size of the tattoo, you may be at the tattoo shop for several hours. You might as well be in a comfortable outfit while you are dealing with the discomfort of the tattoo process. And don’t wear white please :)
Eat before your appointment.
It is important that you have enough food before your appointment so that you don't get light headed while getting a tattoo. The pain of a tattoo is bad enough, you don't want to add to it with lightheadedness or passing out into the mix.
Don’t Turn the Session into a Party.
If the tattoo studio is on the smaller side, there might not be any room for additional guests without them getting in the way of the tattoo artist. In addition, you should never bring more than one person, since that is bound to make things crowded and interfere with the tattooist’s work.